Suddenly they were surrounded by men. It was like a locust attack. I couldn't even see Kelly as several guys came up to talk. I began to get tense as they complimented him on his dress and make-up. It was crowded and guys seemed to pass by just for the chance to brush by "accident" his waist or hip. I caught a glimpse of Lilly on the arm of some tall guy heading for the dance floor. I took pictures and saw a guy approach Kelly.

"Hi I'm Gus," said a tall handsome college student to Kelly. "You sure are pretty...I've never seen you here before. Can I buy you a drink?"

They had a soda at the soft drink "bar". Gus seemed nice. They talked for a while and he asked Kelly to dance. I was worried about Kelly but figured he could reckon what to do on the dance floor.

Gus was a good dancer. I looked around. Other boys were standing around too shy to ask the few girls to dance. Kelly would have been one of "those guys". Some boys play soldier, then join the army. Would Kelly turn his hobby into a lifetime? I took pictures.

It was a slow dance, and Gus wrapped his arms around Kelly and one hand swooped down the fabric of his dress and boldly roamed over his protruding rear. I saw Lilly dancing with Buzzy, one of the football players from school. I was sure he was in the same gym class as Kelly. The song was "Kiss me one more time" and I watched as Gus held Kelly close grinding his hips against Kelly's. Gus was much taller than Kelly. When the song was almost over, Kelly turned his face up to "thank❞ Gus and their lips met in a light "thank you" kiss. To my surprise, Kelly passively accepted the embrace.

Out on the dance floor between songs, Lilly and Kelly changed partners. I was nervous now. What if Buzzy recognized Kelly?


After the song, Kelly looked up at Buzzy and was met with the same fate again only this time it was more aggressive. His protesting lips were pressed tightly against Buz's. I tried to say something...it was too late, Buzzy's meaty tongue filled the silky insides of Kelly's mouth and cheeks. I tried not to think of what was happening to Kelly.

Buzzy's tongue entered again and he ground his hips against Kelly's. Kelly tried to get away but his muffled "Mmm, Mmm!" was interpreted as lust. I felt ashamed for Kelly. He was being kissed by a man. I was sure he felt a sense of overwhelming shame.

I looked for Lilly hoping she could help. I didn't want Buzzy to know I was close to Kelly. He might put two and two together. Another slow song was playing and to my surprise Kelly danced closely against Buzzy. He looked relaxed and seemed to have a dreamy glow on his half open eyes.

After the dance, Kelly brought Buzzy over and introduced him to Lilly and I saying that we were his out of town cousins. Buzzy looked at me, remembering that day with Kelly. I knew he'd put two and two together. But he didn't. He didn't even bring it up.

Buzzy had a booth so we all went to his table. Kelly surprised me when he snuggled in close to Buzzy. Buzzy quickly had an arm around Kelly's shoulder.

We talked for a while but Buzzy was more interested in Kelly than in small talk. At one point, Buzzy said to Kelly, "You're irresistible!" Buzzy's head lowered and their lips gently met, clinging lusciously like a kiss of thrilling new love.

Kelly's head was turned backwards from the desirous pressure of his devotee's kiss and his breasts jutted out wantonly. Watching breathlessly, I saw Buzzy's hand gently but respectfully touch one titty and caress it for a moment, then tactfully withdraw.

Kelly unaware of others around snuggled close to Buzzy and they kissed again and again. It actually looked like Kelly was kissing back! I took a few pictures of them kissing-I figured I could always blackmail Buzzy if he found out.